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Wisconsin Renewable Facility Registration Report
State of Wisconsin
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 7854
Madison, WI 53707-7854
PSC-6025 (01/28/09)
*** All fields are required except as noted ***
Facility Information
Facility Name
Facility Address
Facility Owner
Facility Operator
Name of Contact Person
Phone Fax  (Optional) E-mail
Is owner a retail electric provider in Wisconsin?      
If NO, list retail electric provider(s) with which owner has wholesales contracts:
If Yes, identify whether energy from the facility is sold by owner at retail or sold to another electric provider at wholesale. If sold to another electric provider at wholesale identify the electric provider(s) purchasing the facility's output:
Is owner a customer of a retail electric provider in Wisconsin?      
If Yes, list the electric provider from which the owner purchases electricity, and declare if the facility qualifies as a "displacement facility" in which the energy is used on site:
Facility Data
Type of Generator 
Fuels: please select "not applicable" if no biomass type fuel: 
         If co-fired identify renewable % by energy content:
         If biomass-other or fuel cell, identify type:             
In-Service date of each unit. For wind projects please enter multiple turbines with the same or substantially similar inservice dates as a single unit. If you have more than 5 units, enter units here:  Press
  1.  2.  3.  4.  5.
PSCW Unit ID Number (be completed by PSC)
Total Installed Nameplate Capacity (AC rating if solar) MW Expected Annual Capacity Factor % (Optional)
Projected Annual Generation (excluding Plant use) MWh Heat rate of resource used per kWh of net Generation BTU/kWh
Enter a brief description of the age and type of equipment(generator) technology used in the facility. Anticipated times of energy production (both daily and seasonal) should also be included in this description.
Meter Specifications
Manufacturer Type
Serial Number Date of Last Certification
As an authorized agent of (electric provider), I have authority to submit this Renewable Facility Registration Report. I certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Please follow these steps to complete the Renewable Facility Registration Report
  • You must click on the Create Renewable Facility Registration Report button to create the form with data
  • Save Renewable Facility Registration Form as it appears on the next screen to the hard drive on your computer as an .html file. To save the screen to an .html file please perform the following: File - Save as... Save As type: Web Page, complete (*htm, *html)
  • Print the form that appears on the final screen for your records.
  • On the date you want to officially file this application, return to the PSC website and use the PSC Electronic Regulatory Filing (ERF) System. Instructions are provided at the following link How to File Electronically. You may want to print a copy of the instructions if you will be filing via ERF at a later date.