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Electronic Records Filing System
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Electronic Records Filing System Control#: 55868
State Seal (graphic)
2084 (07-22-03)
Confidentiality Request
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 7854
Madison, WI 53707-7854
Wis. Admin. Code § PSC 2.12; Wis. Stats §§ and 196.795
** All fields are required except note **
PSC Contact Person:  Akanksha Craft Number of Pages / Excel worksheets (Confidential Pages Only):  27

1. I am filing this request on behalf of:
  Name / Company:  ITC Midwest LLC   Phone(Optional):
  Address Line 1:  27175 Energy Way
  Address Line 2(Optional):  
  City: Novi       State: MI       Zip:  48377
2. Name and Position of the requester is
  Kurt Rempe, Attorney
3. The following is an accurate and complete summary of the content of the record(s) being filed:
4. There is a reasonable basis to conclude that the record, or portion of a record, is one of the following:
The record contains trade secrets as defined in Wis. Stat. §134.90.
The record contains information which would aid a competitor of a public utility in competition with the public utility making the request under Wis. Stat. §196.14.
The record is an accident report under Wis. Stat. §196.72.
The record is protected business information under Wis. Stat. §196.795(9).
The record may otherwise be exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Law, Wis. Stat. §§19.31 to 19.39.
5. How the record satisfies number 4
  The document contains specifications, practices, policies and procedures for ITC Midwest’s vegetation management program and should be accorded confidential handling under two separate, independent bases pursuant to Wis. Admin Code § 2.12(3)(a)1 & 2. Specifically, the document includes information that (1) are trade secrets as defined in Wis. Stat. § 134.90(1)(c), and (2) would aid a competitor of ITC Midwest in competition with ITC Midwest as provided under Wis. Stat. § 196.14. ITC Midwest previously filed and was granted confidential treatment of this document (along with two other vegetation management documents) on April 24, 2019 (PSC REF# 364735). ITC Midwest is now refiling this document as Ex.-Applicants-Yoders-2c. No public benefit extends from the disclosure of the sensitive, unique and proprietary information contained in the document. ITC Midwest has a legitimate interest in protecting the confidentiality of this information. The information is economically valuable because it relates to ITC Midwest’s specific practices and approach to performing vegetation management in ITC Midwest’s rights-of-way to comply with Wis. Admin Code § PSC 113 and North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) standards to protect the bulk power system. Vegetation management compliance is a large part of ITC Midwest’s annual operating budget. Competitors in the electric transmission market would benefit from the economic opportunity presented by the disclosure of this information to the detriment of ITC Midwest, its ratepayers, and shareholders.

Name of Affiant:  Kurt Rempe
State of  Minnesota
County of  Hennepin
Subscribed and sworn to before me on  06/24/2019
Name of Notary Officer:  Georgann Bestler Wenisch
Expiration Date:  01/31/2020

Docket ID:  5-CE-146
Document Name:  Ex.-Applicants-Yoders-2c.pdf
Document Type:  Exhibit - Received
Description:  Ex.-Applicants-Yoders-2c
Received Date:  6/24/2019 3:30:00 PM

***Confidentiality Determination:   Granted
If Request is Granted or Partial: There is a reasonable basis to conclude that the records, or portion of a record, is one of the following
  The record contains trade secrets as defined in Wis. Stat. §134.90.
  The record contains information which would aid a competitor of a public utility in competition with the public utility making the request under Wis. Stat. §196.14.
  The record is an accident report under Wis. Stat. §196.72.
  The record is protected business information under Wis. Stat. §196.795(9).
  The record may otherwise be exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Law, Wis. Stat. §§19.31 to 19.39.
Name as Signature: James Lepinski
Date: 6/25/2019 5:30:00 AM