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Electronic Records Filing System Control#: 59181
State Seal (graphic)
2084 (07-22-03)
Confidentiality Request
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 7854
Madison, WI 53707-7854
Wis. Admin. Code § PSC 2.12; Wis. Stats §§ and 196.795
** All fields are required except note **
PSC Contact Person:  Andrew Field Number of Pages / Excel worksheets (Confidential Pages Only):  4

1. I am filing this request on behalf of:
  Name / Company:  Madison Gas and Electric Company   Phone(Optional): 252-4717
  Address Line 1:  PO Box 1231
  Address Line 2(Optional):  
  City: Madison       State: WI       Zip:  53701-1231
2. Name and Position of the requester is
  Carl Weinert, Generation Planner II
3. The following is an accurate and complete summary of the content of the record(s) being filed:
  Data contain Company operational and financial information that may aid competitors and constitute t
4. There is a reasonable basis to conclude that the record, or portion of a record, is one of the following:
The record contains trade secrets as defined in Wis. Stat. §134.90.
The record contains information which would aid a competitor of a public utility in competition with the public utility making the request under Wis. Stat. §196.14.
The record is an accident report under Wis. Stat. §196.72.
The record is protected business information under Wis. Stat. §196.795(9).
The record may otherwise be exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Law, Wis. Stat. §§19.31 to 19.39.
5. How the record satisfies number 4
  Data contains Company operational and financial information that may aid competitors and constitute trade secrets. That is, the sections contain figures and financial information that derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use. In addition, the information could aid competitors or suppliers of MGE by revealing to them Company operational and financial information. This information is economically valuable because it is not generally known or readily ascertainable and its disclosure would aid utility competitors and suppliers.

Name of Affiant:  Carl J. Weinert
State of  Wisconsin
County of  Dane
Subscribed and sworn to before me on  07/01/2021
Name of Notary Officer:  Barbara A. Severson
Expiration Date:  06/12/2025

Docket ID:  3270-UR-124
Document Name:  MGE-Response-Data Request-PSC-Field-5c-C.pdf
Document Type:  Data Request / Response
Description:  MGE-Response-Data Request-PSC-Field-5c (ATTACHMENTS INCLUDED)
Received Date:  7/1/2021 3:59:00 PM

***Confidentiality Determination:   Granted
If Request is Granted or Partial: There is a reasonable basis to conclude that the records, or portion of a record, is one of the following
  The record contains trade secrets as defined in Wis. Stat. §134.90.
  The record contains information which would aid a competitor of a public utility in competition with the public utility making the request under Wis. Stat. §196.14.
  The record is an accident report under Wis. Stat. §196.72.
  The record is protected business information under Wis. Stat. §196.795(9).
  The record may otherwise be exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Law, Wis. Stat. §§19.31 to 19.39.
Name as Signature: Debra Probst
Date: 7/6/2021 7:04:00 AM