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Electronic Records Filing System
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General Information:
PSC Ref#:  378654
Utility/Docket ID:  5-CG-106
Document Type:  Application
Document Description:  Volume II Appendix T - ER Review
Original File Name:  Volume II Appendix T - ER Review.pdf
Received Date:  11/1/2019 2:16:00 PM
Uploaded Date:  11/1/2019 2:16:00 PM
Filed By Info:  Colleen T Sipiorski
231 W Michigan Street
Milwaukee WI 53203
This is a corporate account authorized to file documents on behalf of
Wisconsin Public Service Corporation.
Accepted Date:  11/1/2019 3:44:00 PM
Accepted By:  Rebecca Yoh
Service Type: 
Confidential Information (if applicable)