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General Information:
PSC Ref#:  450441
Utility/Docket ID:  4220-CE-185
Document Type:  Report
Document Description:  Wheaton Repower Confidential Engineering Plan (REDACTED COPY)
Original File Name:  2022-10-26 4220-CE-185 PUBLIC REDACTED Wheaton Repower Engineering Plan.pdf
Received Date:  10/26/2022 8:22:00 PM
Uploaded Date:  10/26/2022 8:22:00 PM
Filed By Info:  Lisa M. Agrimonti
Fredkrikson & Byron, P.A.
200 S. 6th Street Suite 4000
Minneapolis MN 55402
This is an individual account.
Accepted Date:  10/27/2022 7:39:00 AM
Accepted By:  Amy Simonsen
Service Type: 
Confidential Information (if applicable)