State of Wisconsin Seal
2093 (10-06-03)
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
Request New Utility Corporate Admin Electronic Filing Account
Filling out this form is in accordance with Wis.Admin. Code §PSC 2.10; Wis.Stats §§196.14,196.72 and 196.795
Personally identifiable information will not be used for other purposes.

Note: this form applies to utilities/entities in the PSC's Universal Name File only
Complete the following information and mail or fax it along with a corporate account request, on company letterhead, to:

Records Management Unit
Public Service Commission of Wisconsin
P.O. Box 7854
Madison, WI 53707-7854
Fax Number: (608) 266-3957

You must fill in all the information below or your request will not be processed.

PSC Utility id #
Corporate/Entity Name
Contact Name
Email Address
City, State,  Zip
Phone Number

Send email notification whenever a document is filed on behalf of this entity.