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Electronic Records Filing System
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Create New Individual Account
All required information is displayed in red and marked with an asterisk.
  • To protect your personal information, as well as to safeguard the integrity of the PSC online system, user registration is required.
  • Enter the email address, click the Send Code Now link. This will send a passcode to your email. (email should arrive within 1-2 second)
  • Enter the code from email in the One-Time Code box.
  • Logon ID must be 6-15 characters and are not case sensitive and cannot contain any spaces, hyphens (-), special characters, or other punctuation marks.
Passwords must contain at least:
  • 12 characters, but can not exceed 32 characters.
  • 1 uppercase letter (A-Z).
  • 1 lowercase letter (a-z).
  • 2 special characters from the following list: !@#$%()?@_ (includes spaces, but leading and trailing spaces will be removed).
  • 2 Numeric (0-9).
* User Name:  (Name shows with uploaded document)
* Email Address:
Send Code Now   
Enter One-Time Code:  
* Logon ID:
* Password:
* Confirm Password:
Mailing Address Information
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
City:     State:
Zip/Postal Code:       Country:
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